Rebecca Canterbury is a California native currently residing in Northern California with her husband & three dogs. She is a published commercial photographer, specializing in motorcycle & product photography. Her motorcycle work has been featured in many magazines & other websites worldwide. When not shooting motorcycles she can be found shooting B&W film as well as doing her photo weavings. 

Currently, Rebecca is working on a series of photo weavings & photos from her trip to Cuba for her upcoming gallery show(s). She is also working on two photography books that will be available in the near future. The first book will be based on her photo weavings, Hasselblad photography, and other B&W film photography. The book is titled “Please Stand By”. The second book will feature the chairs of Cuba from her two-week trip to Cuba. That book will be titled “Chairs of Cuba”. Both books will be for sale on her website as well as when they become available. Also, in conjunction with her books will be tote bags & t-shirts based on some of her photograms, prints for sale from both her digital & film work, & other misc items featuring her photography work will be for sale.

Alongside her 15 year photography experience, Rebecca also has a 20+ year background in graphic design. She worked for many years as a graphic designer for Eurotech Motorsports & has done other work for companies & friends over the years. Her happiest place is in the darkroom developing film & making prints of her work. 
Please feel free to contact her to book a photoshoot &/or if you have any questions.

CV available upon request.

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